Each compressor must be paired as it is explained in this manual. Once paired, by choosing the Bluetooth to get connected, different compressors can be selected to connect. It is not possible to connect more than one compressor at the same time.
If there are more than one compressor owned, each compressor must be separately paired, connected to the app. Each compressor must be connected separately. Parts for each compressor must be ordered separately when app is connected to the each compressor of which parts are to be ordered of. Each order for each compressor must have a separate PO#. Ordering extra parts for one compressor will not effect the service schedule or need of other compressors.
Parts for each compressor must be prder after connecting the compressor of which the parts to be ordered. Every PM part is to be regiytered to the compressor it is going to be used. Individually ordered parts by directly calling Us Air Compressor requires parts to be registered during the time of the purchase. Doing otherwise may cause compressor go into protected mode and eventually stop to protect itself.
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