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Introduction to Power Input, Pressure, and Air Flow Relationship

When operating a US Air VSD (Variable Speed Drive) Compressor, it’s essential to understand the relationship between the compressor’s power input, the pressure settings, and the resulting airflow. Compressors work by drawing in air at atmospheric pressure, compressing it, and delivering it at a higher pressure, which is necessary for different applications.

US Air variable speed compressors are capable of running at pressures ranging from 100 PSI to 175 PSI without requiring any mechanical modifications. Adjusting the pressure is simple and can be done either via the compressor’s control panel or through the dedicated mobile app. This flexibility allows users to easily set the desired pressure for their specific application.

Understanding the Relationship Between Pressure and Airflow:
Fixed Power Input: The compressor motor has a constant power rating when operating at full load, meaning that the power input remains stable regardless of the pressure setting.

Pressure Increases, Airflow Decreases: As the required pressure increases, the volume of compressed air delivered (measured in cubic feet per minute, or CFM) decreases. This is because compressing air to a higher pressure requires more energy, reducing the amount of air delivered for a given motor. size.

Adjusting Pressure for Optimal Performance: Lower pressures allow for greater airflow, while higher pressures are useful for specific tasks but reduce the airflow output.

The following table illustrates how air flow changes at different pressure levels for the US150HE/d16 VSD/VFD compressor, a 575V 3-phase 2 Stage High Efficiency screw-type compressor, which operates between 100 PSI & 175 PSI.

Pressure (PSI) Airflow (CFM)
100 PSI 930 CFM
125 PSI 812 CFM
150 PSI 721 CFM
175 PSI 630 CFM

As shown in the table, as the pressure increases, the airflow decreases. For example, at 100 PSI, the compressor delivers 930 CFM, but at 175 PSI, it delivers 630 CFM.

US Air Compressors can seamlessly operate across this range of pressures. There’s no need for mechanical modifications to change the operating pressure. Users can easily set the desired pressure using the control panel or through a convenient mobile app. This allows for quick adjustments to suit varying needs, whether you require high airflow at lower pressures or higher pressure with reduced airflow.

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Last modified: 16 September 2024


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